Proper Rebar Bending Techniques & Maintenance

Posted on November 28, 2014

Proper Rebar Bending Techniques & Maintenance

Proper rebar bending techniques are the key to making sure your rebar structural brace is done accurately. When rebar is bent or cut improperly, the safety of the construction professional is at stake, as is the reliability of your structure’s reinforcement. As a construction professional, you do not want to compromise either of these elements Read more…

Guide to Efficiently Using an Air Compressor

Posted on November 24, 2014

A reliable air compressor can make a world of difference in a construction and concrete project. Air compressors have many uses, and investing in a solid one is a good idea. However, before you invest in an air compressor, you and your team should be aware of how to use them, how NOT to use Read more…

How to Avoid Concrete Spalling

Posted on November 13, 2014

What is Concrete Spalling? Concrete spalling, or flaking or scaling, is concrete that has broken or flaked apart, generally as a result of faulty installation or the environment. It can appear on the surface as just a cosmetic problem, or it can show up as a result of deeper issues, such as damage to rebar Read more…

How the Right Building Equipment and Tools Impact Your Project

Posted on October 25, 2014

Updated by BN Products USA, November 2020 The building materials, tools, equipment and building practices you implement will make or break the success of your company. If you can’t produce tangible results due to hasty building processes, or if your tools are impeding the flow of your project, it could be time for an efficiency Read more…

Cost & Energy Savings Through Energy Efficient Construction

Posted on October 20, 2014

Maxing your construction efficiency across multiple areas can have a very positive effect on the bottom line of your business, as well as the health and happiness of your employees. Proper efficiency is usually a commonly overlooked factor of the building and construction process. By taking time to implement more productive practices you’ll be well Read more…

Construction Labor Efficiency and Workers

Posted on October 8, 2014

Construction labor efficiency is based around many factors. Constantly focusing on new ways to maximize revenue and produce resources, maintaining high equipment standards and utilizing technology are all important focuses. It is equally important to hire workers with a strong work ethic, workers who believe in following high standards, safety procedures and the authority of Read more…

Safety improvements: The Impact of Safety on the Construction Industry

Posted on September 26, 2014

construction industry safety

In the United States, over 11 million men and women make up the workforce for the dynamic, complex and ever evolving construction industry. Improving safety regulations and encouraging safer building practices remains one of the industry’s top priorities, especially as the industry continues to be one of the main contributors to severe and sadly sometimes Read more…

The Economic Influence of Recycling

Posted on September 4, 2014

benefits of recycling

Revised by BN Products USA™, November 2020 Helping the environment can have a positive impact on your bottom line. Recycled materials have a positive effect on the environment as they help to prevent more waste from being generated and reduce the consumption and use of new materials. As outlined in our previous post, Recycling 101, Read more…

Recycling 101

Posted on August 28, 2014

Construction industry waste recycling

Recycling has made a massive impact on the construction industry. The advancements that have been made in recent years within the recycling industry have led to a decrease in the bottom line of construction companies. As recycling technologies continue to be used, their impact will continue to increase as well. The need for re-usable materials Read more…

What You’ve Always Wanted To Know About Green Building

Posted on August 18, 2014

building more efficiently

Green building principles have been around for a while now, however, regulations, rule and practices are just beginning to become the norm. By helping your company transition into a more environmentally friendly way of building, you’ll be setting your company up for success in the future, as consumers become more conscious, and helping to increase Read more…