
The Ongoing Evolution of Portable Power

While the future of portable power solutions is exciting – notably less-dependent upon fossil fuels, and harnessing more sources of clean energy – generator technology has also advanced greatly in recent decades. Most notably, the need to power sensitive electronics and to operate with greater efficiency has advanced the distinction between traditional gas, diesel, or propane-powered generators, and safer, more-efficient power plants – known as Inverter Generators.

It’s About Supply & Demand

…A Reality Check in the 2021 Global Supply Chain by Ed Truxal, Business Development Analyst (BN Products-USA™) | Email There is little “news” in announcing the fact that supply chains affecting the U.S. economy are highly disrupted in mid-2021, particularly in Wholesale/Retail Trade, Manufacturing, and an industry very important to BN Products USA™ – Construction.  Read more…

A “Conventional” Success

(…And a Look Ahead to 2022!) by Ed Truxal, Business Development Analyst (BN Products-USA™) | Email As the United States slowly migrate back to an active business culture during the COVID-19 pandemic, the success of the 2021 World of Concrete Show – our industry’s top international trade show – became a major milestone both for Read more…